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Student Profile

Find the talent of La Salle-URL students in the areas of Engineering, Architecture, Business, Animation & Digital Arts.


Meet the engineering students, with specialized training in the areas of Audiovisual Systems, Telecommunications, Electronics, Computer Science, Telematics...

Get to know the most outstanding projects and connect with talent!

Business y Management

Meet the students of the Business & Management area of La Salle-URL, trained to face the challenges and find the opportunities presented by the current business scenario.

Digital Arts, Animation & VFX

Discover the creativity and talent that the students of the Digital Arts, Animation & VFX degrees show with their flag projects.


Meet the students of the School of Architecture of La Salle (ETSALS), graduated in the degrees of Technical Architecture and Building and Architectural Studies.

Dana Segura

"Es increible poder conocer a la persona sin un contexto de reclutamiento"

Alfonso Borjas
Full Time-MBA

"Es un primer paso para muchos de nosotros para poder enfocarnos en el mundo laboral"

Dana Segura
3º de Animación & VFX


Contact With Us!


If you would like to know more about La Salle TalentWeek 2022, just fill out this form and we will contact you as soon as possible.







